Water Glossary

HCF - Hundred Cubic Feet, 748 gallons; water bills use HCF as a unit for billing.

Temperature Zones : Three zones: High, Medium, Low; used to set usage allotments with lot size and season. Zones are assigned by zip code.

Lot Size : Five Lot Sizes in square feet (sq.ft) : 1) Under-7,500; 2) 7,500-10,999; 3) 11,000-17,499; 4) 17,500-43,559; 5) Above 43,559. Lot size is used to set usage allotments with temperature zone and season. Lot size based on size of property for water use.

Seasons, Two Seasons : Summer: June-September & Winter: October- May. Used to assign usage allotments with temperature for four tier rates. Assigns price and usage allotments for two tier rates.

See WWW.LADWP.com under water rates area for more info.

Electric Glossary

kwh - kilo-watt hour, unit for billing energy.

Zones : Two temperature zones: Zone 1 coastal/downtown; Zone 2 primarily Valley. Zones are assigned by zip code.

See WWW.LADWP.com under electric rates area for more info.